It is geometric, organic, modular and also useful, he said, especially because I'm a little bit of a pack rat. 它不但具备几何形状、有机组织和模块化设计,而且还非常实用,他说,特别是因为我有点收纳控。
Nobody could, not with a mousy little person like Melanie. Sara: I'm a pack rat, I never throw anything out. 同媚兰这样一个耗子似的小个儿。我像个什么都留着的耗子,从不扔东西。
I feel like I'm inside aurora's head. she's such a pack rat. 我感觉像进入?柔拉的脑袋里。她像捡垃圾的。
She was a pack rat and saved everything she got her hands on. 她喜欢收藏小物件,凡到手的东西她都储存起来。
You've been hoarding like a pack rat since the crash. 自从飞机坠毁,你一直在到处搜寻东西。
I'm an avid dinosaur and pinball machine collector. I'm a bit of a pack rat. 我喜欢收集恐龙和弹球机。我喜欢收集各类玩意。
I'm a pack rat, I never throw anything out. 我是个收藏癖,我从来不扔东西的。